
Short general updates about my writing process, mostly written when I don't want to actually write.


ALMOST done with a Shallan/Kaladin stormlight archive oneshot that i started writng last week. It's. Spicy. AND I KEEP GETTING EMBARRASSED AND NOT WANTING TO GO BACK AND EDIT IT LOLLLL also I got sick this past week (probably strep throat) and it is kicking my butt.

It feels like it's been five billion years since I updated any of my multichapters too and thats eating me alive. Shadows Alight I havent gotten a new chapter out since FEBRUARY UGHHHH save me nanowrimo month save me. also. rip about nanowrimo supporting ai writing or whatever. what was that about. ANyway luckily I never use the website I have my own spreadsheet with graphs i use to keep track of word count on there.


Made some good progress on Shadows Alight today despite my botched finger. (Slid down a rope too fast and shaved off the top layer of skin on my pinkie. Covered in gauze and bandage now making ty[ping look. Like that lol) We're getting some Hayner POV briefly! So that's fun.

I really want to redo the summary for Shadows Alight / the series as a whole, especially since I'm trying to make a nice p[age for it on here. But summaries are . hard. we all know this. alas i cant keep begging peop[le to read my fic when I won't bother to actually market it well sdkf